... horrores, atrocidades, memórias, paranóias, fatos, fotos, corpos, fofocas, bizarrices, novelas, contos, crônicas, traumas de infância, insuportabilidade acumulada & retroativa e homicídio psicótico & grupal em potencial cruzado!!!

sábado, dezembro 17, 2005

Hooverphonic, vinagre e sal...

I like the things that you hate, and you hate the things that I like. But it hurts. Honesty’s your church. But sometimes it’s better to lie! I am the vinegar and salt, and you are the oil that dissolves my frustration. Honesty’s limitation! But sometimes it’s better to lie. I am the vinegar and salt and you are the oil that dissolves my frustrations, limitations... But sometimes I don’t dare to ask why.

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