... horrores, atrocidades, memórias, paranóias, fatos, fotos, corpos, fofocas, bizarrices, novelas, contos, crônicas, traumas de infância, insuportabilidade acumulada & retroativa e homicídio psicótico & grupal em potencial cruzado!!!

terça-feira, julho 24, 2007

Amerie vs. Beyonce

Beyonce is a pop crap. She never had a style and a style is what she's been looking for since her solo carreer started. She doesn't even know how to cover her butt because she's a fashion killer! She was a very good artist with Destiny's Child and I really enjoyed some stuffs of her first solo album but look at her now, you see her singing the same stuffs, the same way and worse... always dancing like a voodoo bitch with skirts made with banana tree leafs on the videos (see Deja Vu). That's awful.

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